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Monday, May 16, 2011

Todays pick for exercise is The single leg hip raise (or bridge)

The glutes and hamstrings are our major muscles required for standing, walking, running etc.  Unfortunately, these days most of our jobs require us to sit for extended periods of time in front of computers or we sit in front of that new high def TV.  The impact on our hips is tremendous, they become weak and begin to forget how to contract.  This is very true for our glutes (our butts), which is ashame because our glutes are our largest and strongest muscle group.  With weak glutes and hamstrings (  the muscles that run up the back of our legs) our entire muscular balance is thrown off.  This can cause pain to knees, hips and lower back.  So working your glutes and hamstrings should be of high priority.

Here is a simple exercise to do in the gym or very easily at home.  As you can see in the photo I was in a park using a bench (and truthfully you don't even have to use a bench the floor will do).

You lay down on the ground or floor put both legs onto the bench and have knees bent at 90 degree angle, lift one leg straight into the air while leaving the heal of the other foot grounded on the bench or on the ground.  Using the grounded foot you lift your body up keeping shoulders level on the ground and back straight (as not to cause stress on lower back) pause for a second or two and then lower back down to starting position.  Doing two sets of 10 - 12 for each side during your work out will help to increase the muscle and strength in your hamstrings and glutes. if you are a beginner exerciser I would do two sets of 8.  As an added bonus while you are doing this move you are also working your ab muscles and lower back which in turn strengthens that good old CORE area we talked about last week.

Enjoy and have fun with your workouts!!

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