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Monday, May 30, 2011

Tips for Exercising in Hot Weather

I am so in the mood for blogging today it's crazy.  As the seasons change and we quickly move into our warm weather season of SUMMER (my favorite time of year...maybe because I am a June baby) or maybe because I hate the cold weather, at any rate it came to mind today as I was exercising in my yard that one must take some precautions while exercising in hot weather.

Exercising outdoors is one of the perks of spring and summer weather but one must be smart about keeping safe.

One should avoid mid-day exercise (when the sun is at it's strongest and the temps outside at their warmest), working out in the morning or evening when the weather is cooler and less exposure to sun.

Drink plenty of water.  Our bodies can lose up to 2 quarts of water every hour during heavy exercise in warm/hot temps.  I drink watered down gatorade (3/4 water 1/4 gatorade) to ensure I am getting my sodium and potassium replenished during my workouts.

Know the signs of dehydration.  A key factor in heat exhaustion and heatstroke:  extreme thirst, dry warm skin; decreased urination; dry, sticky mouth; lightheadedness; muscle cramps or weakness and HEADACHE.

Wear SUNSCREEN with a sun protection factor of at least 15.  I have had skin cancer removed and it is not fun nor is it something I want to experience again...so slather it on.

Choose the right shoe for whatever workout you are doing.  If you are a runner then definitely wear running shoes, if you are choosing crosstraining then crosstrainer or aerobic type shoes.  Make sure the shoe is extremely comfortable also remember that over time as you put miles on your shoe you begin to lose support and the wear and tear may cause the sole to become uneven.  I work out 5 times a week so I have two pair of trainers (one for indoors and one for outdoors) I replace them every 6 months due to the number of miles I put on them.

Here is a really big tip, if you have been inactive over the winter start back slowly, ease into a fitness routine, spend extra time warming up and cooling down and stretching afterward.  All these things will help to prevent injury and major fatigue.

Go enjoy some fitness and enjoy the warm weather and sunshine!!!

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