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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our Core

We here in the U.S. spend alot of $$$ on our abs, between liposuction, tummy tucks, bi-pass surgeries, fad diets to reduce the tummy bulge etc. etc.  Do we really want a 6-pack?  Or,should we decrease the visceral fat (around ab area and organs) to create a healthy you? Decreasing the amount of fat and strengthening the abs and entire core area will make you function with ease.  You will have more energy and will be stronger and more capable of physical challenges.   The abdominal muscles are part of a group called the core.  The core also includes lower back and hips.  The core is involved in pretty much every movement we make.  If it weren't for our core muscles we would not be able to stand or sit upright.

The Plank

Here is a great easy exercise to help strengthen and stabilize the core muscles.  Start to get into a push up position but bend your elbows and rest weight onto your forearms.  Make sure your body forms a straight line starting at shoulders down to ankles. Stabilize your core by contracting your abs and try to hold for 30 seconds (if you can't hold for 30 try for 10 seconds, rest for 5, then do another 10 seconds)  Each time you try this hold attempt to increase your time by 5 to 10 seconds....

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