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Sunday, May 29, 2011


I wanted to tell you all a little bit more about the bootcamp that I attended for 3 years.  First and foremost it was the best thing I could have done for myself.  Not only did it get me into the best physical shape that I have ever been in but the motivation and energy that radiates from the instructor is purely addictive. Norwalk Adventure Bootcamp runs all year long, 5:30 a.m. at Fox Run School, 5:30 a.m. at Marvin School and 9:30 a.m. at Cranbury Park. The sessions are 4 to 5 weeks (3 days a week; Mon. Wed. and Fri.)  I took the 9:30 a.m. class as the 5:30 a.m. was making me too tired in the evening to do any socializing (and for those who know me well I am a social butterfly).

I would like to give a brief description of the circuit that takes place on a daily basis.  We arrive at the park, set up our mats and weights (which we bring to each class as well as alot of water to drink), great music is pumped out of an IPOD and we begin our warm up with some lite easy movements of our entire body, some squats, a few knee ups, arm rotations etc.  A minute of lite stretching and then we are ready to hear our trainer describe the days workout.   To begin the course we may run around the parking lot at Cranbury Park then do a series of "suicides" (sprinting from one cone to the next doing jump squats in between and then returning to the start)..after that we may go to the picnic benches to do our step ups with weights in hand onto the benches, after that a series of triceps dips, then out to the circuit to run sideways from cone to cone, then run backwards, maybe some jumping jacks thru 30 plastic circles or running sideways thru the circles or BOTH!  then out to the parking lot for some walking lunges with a 10lb weighted ball, some pushups at the curb and 150 rotations with a jump rope..then another lap around the parking lot and off we go again to start the circuit all over AGAIN!!!!  At the end of class we may have series of strength moves for our arms, shoulders, chest and back...then onto our ab work on our mats which may include some planks held for 1 1/2 minutes..to crunches, pilates based ab work, then onto our end stretching.  This workout (if done in full intensity) can burn up to 650 calories in 1 hour.

Between the cardio work and the strength work we use every single muscle in the body at every session.  The trainer (Laura) makes sure that every session is completely different as to trick the muscles into doing something new, this allows the body to build new muscle each time instead of having the muscles adapt to the work out.  Feel the burn!!!!

I had to give up bootcamp due to work, school and money (it is not cheap), so I joined Crunch Fitness around the corner from my home.  As much as I love working out Crunch fitness and doing my own routine by myself does not compare to the comraderie of the Bootcamp class and the instructor Laura who not only gives us motivation, energy and love but she always has a nutrition tip and/or recipe for something healthy and low-cal.  I had the opportunity to take a free class on Friday rejoining my group at 9:30 a.m. at Cranbury Park while the sun was shining...oh what joy!!!!  I felt like I was home again.  I never knew how much I could miss something until I return to it.  So starting June 13th I am back on track with Bootcamp but only for one session as the summer schedule of my life does not allow me to attend any other session and then in the fall school classes will also not allow me any sessions so Crunch gym and my own home gym will have to do for now.

If any of you are interested in finding out more about bootcamp check out the website at http://www.norwalkbootcamp.com/

Laura Boniello-Krout runs the Norwalk bootcamp her email address is listed on the website.

Well with that being said it is 8:18 a.m. and I am headed to my basement gym to get in a good work out before starting my day....Happy Memorial Day weekend to my followers and readers!!! Wishing you health and much happiness!!!!!

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