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Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Beautiful Feet

A friend of mine got me thinking about our feet and then I read a great article in the magazine "Whole Living" and I would like to share some insightful information with you.

Our feet are the most overworked part of the body and could possibly be the most overlooked.

Our feel are the body's workhorses, grounding us, keeping us upright, propelling us to move forward.  They contain a quarter of the bones in the entire body (which I find amazing).

We tend to lock our feet up all day (in shoes, boots, sneakers etc.) and do nothing for them.

Parts of the foot:  heel; this area bears the brunt of each footfall, put to 3 times your body weight when you run.  The fatty cushion absorbs the shock.

Arches; the skin here is protected by the curve of the foot, but it's so sensitive that stepping on something hard or sharp can sideline you.

Balls of the feet; as fat padding here thins with age it starts to feel like you're walking on marbles.  Ladies skip the "high" heels wearing them increases strain.

Ankles; they flex approximate 850 time per mile (if you are a short person they flex even more).

Toes; you would not be able to stay balanced without them.

Feet crave pampering; a soak and wash, buff and moisturize and a great foot massage.

The next time you fold down or bend over for a stretch or to pick something up look at those reliable feet and show some appreciation!

1 comment:

  1. How to Make Your Feet Beautiful;
    Fed up of tired, aching, ugly feet? Follow these steps to tootsie heaven
    1 Remove any old nail varnish on your toes
    2-File off any dead skin, because it will make you look like you work excessively, and after some time, result in callouses.3=Fill a bowl with warm water (or soak your feet in the bath!) or a bubble bath of your choice. Dip your feet in and relax as your feet become soft and smooth.4-Take your feet out of your luxurious bath break and pat dry with a towel.5-Massage your feet with a moisturizer or lotion 6-Trim your nails if necessary. Especially your big toe. File them carefully so that they are smooth.7-Paint them with clear nail varnish, or a color of maybe suiting the month or the season!8-Put on lots of moisturizer/lotion, and then slip on a pair of cotton socks. Your feet will have never felt so good! Another option is to put on lots of Vaseline before you slip on fresh 100% cotton socks.
